Year after year, legions of school children read and commit to memory Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech. Many of them believe it is his most important work.
Another reality check
My sainted mother used to say "everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong they are." David Brinkley said it a little more accurately for news types: "It's my opinion and everyone is entitled to hear it."
McCain's near miss: What the story didn't say
UPDATED: The media reports that U.S. Sen. John McCain had a close call with a missile while visiting Georgia, the republic, not the state.
The state of the news business will change
Breitbart cites the AP about a new blog, Open Source Media, that will give the big boys a run for the money. It hurts my soul to attribute anything to the AP.
No time to talk, just give me a byte
Pundit John Ridley reports over at NPR that politicians no longer have time to utter sound bytes.
A litany against fear
I hope society is not judged by Cho Seung-Hui, the man who killed more than 30 people at Virginia Tech.
Dregs of the literary class
I can't claim credit for finding this quote. the blame (or credit) goes to Chas. M. Thompson of DeLand, Fla., who found it.
What's the bid for this blog?
Many people just don't get blogging. But if you have something to say, a blog using MovableType, sponsored by Livingdot, is a quick and easy way to do it cheaply.
Fight like hell for the living
Can you spell catastrophe?