At the heart of the Internet are computers programmed to break up information into packets* which are then sent through a series of intermediate host computers. At the final destination, they are automatically reassembled.
Getting help
Just the FAQs, ma'm!
Evolution of the Internet
We often talk about the Internet as a new technology, but 1996 was the 40th anniversary of its "founding."
The Internet is more than just the web
The difference between the World Wide Web and Internet functions can be confusing.
Think of the Internet as a cyberspace version of your city. You live in Orange City, Fla., and must pick-up a package at the post office in Orlando.
Jacking in from cyberspace
Cyberspace is a phrase coined by science fiction author William Gibson in his epic 1994 novel "Neuromancer," the book which invented the cyberpunk generation.
I might break the Internet
I might break the Internet
On the ancient maps of the world was the warning about Boston: "Here there be the dragons."
The net guide
A guide to where the monsters be. The chapters of the iNet Guide allow computer users to familiarize themselves with using the Internet and finding things on the World Wide Web.
Bookmark the lessons and return often. The lessons in the hot links each cover a single topic.
Delivered to your computer
Delivered to your computer. Internet mailing lists, called LISTSERVs, create the opportunity for two-way communication. Through e-mail, you can post messages or ask questions, and other members of the list will respond almost immediately.